BulkRate supports TCP/IP connections to FirstClass Servers. It is beyond the scope of this manual to explain how to configure your Mac for TCP/IP, so it is assumed that you have done so already.
To configure a BulkRate service file to connect via TCP/IP, choose "Service setup..." under the Service menu.
Click "TCP/IP" in the "Connect via: " section.
Under the TCP/IP heading at the bottom of the window, enter the host name or IP address in the "Connect to:" field, and the TCP port number in the "Port:" field. Some FirstClass systems use port 3000, some use port 3004.
TCP/IP Caveats:
Because of the network overhead, TCP connections over a modem are slower than "straight" modem connections - so mail exchanges will run more slowly. Worse, the already-slow FirstClass CLUI message editor gets even slower under a TCP/IP connection, so sending messages will be even slower than normal.
The FirstClass CLUI appears to have yet another bug - XModem-1K downloads refuse to work under a TCP/IP connection, so BulkRate steps down to a XModem-128 file transfer. Uploads still work with 1K blocks.
If your TCP connection is via modem (SLIP or PPP or TCP over ARA) - don't run a script that has some services connecting via regular dial-up modem, and some that connect via TCP. This is almost guaranteed to fail, since once the PPP connection is up, the modem port is no longer available for "regular" connections.